Movies, Gangsters, and Cloth-Covered Wire (You Have to Start Somewhere)

Dutch Schultz shot

Just who is Arthur Flegenheimer, and what does he have to do with Sundial Wire™, anyway?

The answer would probably surprise you more than him.  Jim founded this company, in 1992, because virtually every single major electrical wire and cable company in the United States, had long since ceased to make cloth-covered twisted lamp cord. It was an obsolete product, no longer in demand. As a set decorator for feature films and television shows Jim had worked on many period movies and TV shows, such as The Kennedys of Massachusetts, the comedy Mermaids, and the Civil Rights era drama Love Field. Part of his job included first researching the period, then recreating authentic, period-correct sets, right down to the smallest details: stringing knob-and-tube wiring in an attic, or re-wiring an antique electric lamp or electric fan with the correct wire for the period.

Jim Kent and Jim Erickson on set of Love Field, 1990
Jim Kent (left) and Jim Erickson (right) on the set of Love Field.

Which brings us back to Arthur. Sort of. Continue reading Movies, Gangsters, and Cloth-Covered Wire (You Have to Start Somewhere)